Team Sport Planner Soccer is a complete management tool. It can be used to help you with the organization and management of every little aspect of a soccer tournament. I know how hard it is to organize a soccer match, even when you have lots of friends who play the sports. I can only imagine how hard it is to organize a tournament and keep track of all the information that you need to be aware of during the event. Team Sport Planner Soccer makes it really easy to load information about the tournament like teams, rosters, officials, payments, draws, matches, etc. The app can create a variety of reports that you can later print and take with you.
Setting up a tournament with this tool isn't really hard, but it takes some time, because you have a lot of information to input into the application. Once it is done, you can just add the results and make any changes to your data.
The demo version of this app doesn't let you create any tournaments. Instead, it comes with a demo tournament that you can load to test the app.